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"I'm making a house call and you want two for one?" Smoke shook his head as he crawled back to the chopper and fetched the first aid kit. Moonlight slept through Smoke's field surgery as the wounds were dressed. Tiger refused to let go of him, despite Smoke's complaints about making the job harder. When it was over, Tiger let out a big breath and reclined with Moonlight lying on his chest. 336 Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke by Connie Bailey "Have any plans for the future?" Smoke asked to pass the time. "I know what we're going to do first." Tiger looked over at Smoke. "Want to help?" Tiger explained his plan, and Smoke got his phone out again. Deciding it was safe to make a call, Smoke phoned Key and gave him several instructions. * * * * Moonlight was still asleep several hours later when Smoke turned on his phone again. A troop transport chopper appeared out of the night and hovered over the islet. A ladder was lowered, and Smoke climbed on board. After a couple of minutes, a stretcher was lowered, and Tiger strapped Moonlight to it. Once Moonlight was on board, the ladder was sent down for Tiger. Wrapping his good arm around a rung, Tiger signaled the crew to pull him up. "Good to see you," Key said. "You can have this back." He handed Smoke the flash drive. "This looks like an official Kagehito troop transport," Tiger said. "It is," Key said. "Smoke's phone call to me was intercepted. The crew of this ship was sent to pick me up." He held up his hands. "Don't freak out. We're not prisoners." "What's going on, Key?" Tiger said. "Lord Talon sent the chopper. The crew will put us down wherever we say and leave us there." "Why would Talon do that?" "I don't know, but you should pick a direction soon." 337 Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke by Connie Bailey "Tell him where to go, Smoke," Tiger said as he sat down on the floor beside Moonlight. * * * * Smoke and Tiger sat on the park bench with Moonlight propped between them and watched the rising sun gild the peaked rooftops of the village. A breeze sifted through the trees, shaking loose some water and a few dead leaves that drifted down to scurry away across the dewy grass. Objects that had been dim outlines moments ago took on form, color, and mass. "Why do you think Talon helped us?" Tiger asked. "I don't think he helped us," Smoke replied. "He shot you twice, if you recall. I think he wanted to help Moonlight." "I thought he wanted to keep him." "I think he did too. I also think he may genuinely care about Moonlight. It's possible that when he realized Moonlight could actually escape the life he hated that Talon gave him the chance." Tiger snorted. "What a fairy tale." "You asked what I thought." "I realize my mistake now." Smoke looked at Tiger over the top of Moonlight's head. "Maybe he saw Moonlight kill the onmyoji and didn't want a powerful rival around, so he helped him escape. Not to mention that Moonlight probably knows that Talon killed Lord Raven." "That sounds more believable." Tiger brushed a drop of water from Moonlight's hair. "What's it like, being Ryuzoku?" 338 Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke by Connie Bailey "I feel amazingly self-assured. Like I could do anything." A drop of condensation fell on Moonlight's left eyelid, and he blinked. Opening both eyes, he rubbed the water away and looked around. "Where is this?" he asked in a grainy voice. "You'll know where you are in a few minutes," Smoke said. Tiger squeezed Moonlight's shoulders and kissed his forehead. "You're free," he said. Moonlight threw his arms around Tiger and found his lips in a kiss that ended several years of yearning. He pulled back so he could kiss Tiger again, letting his mouth wander over Tiger's face and neck. "We're free," he said. "We'll have to be very quick and very clever to stay that way." "No problem. We're together. That's all that matters." Moonlight stopped kissing Tiger abruptly. "Is this a bandage on your shoulder?" "I got shot." Tiger shrugged and winced. "A couple of times." "Why aren't you seeing a surgeon right now?" "Smoke fixed me." Tiger kissed the frown from Moonlight's lips. "They were easy wounds. Through and through. He even disinfected them and put on antibiotics." Moonlight's brow wrinkled. "Did I see Key on a helicopter?" "Yeah." Smoke stood up from the bench. "He decided to stay with the Shadow." "Didn't you tell him ?" "Of course we told him," Tiger interrupted. "He still believes in the mission." 339 Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke by Connie Bailey "I envy him his faith," Smoke said. "Blind faith is worse than none at all," Moonlight retorted. Smoke turned to meet Moonlight's eyes. "Maybe someone should give Key a good reason to believe." "You cannot be suggesting what I think you're suggesting." "We could do it," Smoke said. "We could do what?" Tiger got up when Moonlight stood. "We could reclaim the Shadow." Smoke took his hands out of his pockets and spread them. "Look at the resources we have between us. Moon and I are both Dragons. We have Feather and Rose Tribes' power of persuasion. We have a strong and charismatic leader to front for us." He nodded at Tiger. "Think about it a reformation guided by the three of us." "I'd definitely need to think about it," Moonlight said, his eyes focused on something beyond Smoke's shoulder. Smoke turned and saw a woman coming down the road on an old yellow bicycle. She wasn't young or old but somewhere in the middle, riding carefully, mindful of the patches of slush. Her coat was years out of style, an odd pistachio color, enveloping her bird-like frame from neck to ankles. The heavy garment made the dismount a tricky thing, but she managed it with grace and aplomb, using the handbrakes, swinging a leg over, and alighting on the steps of her destination. Leaving the bicycle leaning against the rail, she unlocked the building's front door and went inside. Moonlight left the park and walked slowly across the street to stop in front of the sign that identified the long structure as 340 Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke by Connie Bailey an elementary school. With Smoke and Tiger following at a distance, Moonlight went up the steps and into the building. The woman had removed her coat and was adding wood to the cast-iron stove beside her desk. She looked up as Moonlight entered, an inquiring look on her face. Her eyes were wide-set, of an indeterminate dark gray color that Moonlight knew from his mirror, and though the skin over her fine bone structure was wrinkled now, he knew her face. As he walked forward, he smiled for sheer joy. "Jaehan." Moonlight's mother said his name without a trace of doubt. This was her lost baby, come home at last; she would know him anywhere. Her steps quickened until she was almost running, arms spread wide to welcome her son. "My Jaehan." Moonlight met her in the middle of the room and swept her into a hug. Her arms went around him and he smelled the familiar smell that let him know that all was right with the world. It didn't matter how long he'd been gone or what he'd done, the bond between mother and child was not strained. In that embrace, Moonlight felt joy, gratitude, and unconditional love, and his soul was finally whole again. [Back to Table of Contents] 341 Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke by Connie Bailey Epilogue The Great Hall was well-lit, and the dark wood and costly fabrics of the furnishings gleamed richly. An assemblage of the Shadow's high-ranking members sat on the ancient seats around the High Table. At the head of the oblong table sat the new Commander in Chief, Lord of the Shadow, Talon of Iron Tribe.
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