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glandin E 2from the cervi x. W eekly membrane stri p ping begi nning at 38 w eeks of gestati on re sults i n deliveryw ithinashorterperi odof time (8.6 versus15 days). 2. Amniotomyi san effectivem ethodofl abori nduction when perform ed in w omen w ith parti ally di lated and effaced cervi ces. Caution shoul d be ex ercised to ensurethatthefetal vertex i sw ell-applied tothecervi x andtheum bilicalcordorotherfetalpartisnotpresent ing. 3. Foley cathe ter. A n uni nflated Fol eycatheter can be passed throughanundi latedcervi xandthen inflated. Thistechni que is aseffecti veasprostagl andinE 2gel . The useofex tra-amnioticsal inei nfusion with a balloon catheter or a doubl e bal loon cat heter (A tad ri pener) alsoappearstobeeffecti veforcervi calri pening. C. Prostaglandins 1. Localadm inistrationofpros taglandins tothevagi naor theendocervi xi stheroute of choicebecauseoffew er side effectsandacceptabl ecl inicalresponse. Uncom mon side e ffects include fever, chills, vom iting, and diarrhea. 2. Prepidil contains0.5m gofdi noprostonei n2.5m Lof gel for i ntracervical adm inistration. T he dose can be repeatedi n6to 12 hoursi ftherei si nadequatecervi cal change and m inimal uterine acti vityfol lowing the fi rst dose.T hem aximum cumulative dosei s1.5m g(i e,3 doses) w ithin a 24-hour peri od. T he ti me i nterval betweenthefi naldose and initiationofox ytocinshoul d be 6 to 12hours because of the potenti alfor uteri ne hyperstimulationw ithconcurrentox ytocinandprosta glandinadm inistration. 3. Cervidil is a vagi nal i nsert containing 10 m g of dinoprostone i n a ti med-release form ulation. T he vaginal insert administers the m edication at 0.3 m g/h andshoul dbel eft in placefor12hours.Ox ytocinm ay bei nitiated 30to60m inutesafterrem ovalofthei nsert. 4. Anadvantageofthevagi nal insert over thegel form u lation i s that the i nsert can be rem oved i n cases of uterine h yperstimulation o r abnormalities o f t he f etal heartratetraci ng. V. Complicationsofl abori nduction A. Hyperstimulationandtachy systolem ayoccur w ith use ofprostagl andincom poundsorox ytocin.H yperstimulation is defined as uteri ne contracti ons l asting at l east tw o minutesorfi veor more uterinecontracti onsi n10m inutes. Tachysystole is defined as sixorm orecontracti onsi n20 minutes. B. ProstaglandinE 2(P GE2) preparationshaveuptoa5 percent rate of uteri ne hy perstimulation. Fetal heart rate abnormalitiescanoc cur,butusual lyresol veuponrem oval of the drug. R arelyhy perstimulation or tachy systole can causeuteri ne rupture. RemovingtheP GE2vagi nali nsert willu suallyh elpr everseth e effects of the hyperstimulation and tachy systole. C ervical and vaginal lavage after l ocal applicationofprostagl andincom poundsi snothel pful. C. If ox ytocin i s bei ng i nfused, i t shoul d be di scontinued to achieveareassuri ngfetal heart rate pattern.P lacingthe woman i nthe l eft l ateral po sition, adm inistering ox ygen, and increasing intravenous fluidsm ayal sobeofbenefi t. Terbutaline0.25 mg subcutaneously(atocol ytic)m aybe given. References:S eepage166. PostpartumHe morrhage Obstetric hem orrhage rem ains a l eading causes of m aternal mortality.P ostpartumhem orrhagei sdefi ned as the lossofm ore than 500 m Lof bl ood fol lowing de livery.H owever, the average blood loss in anuncom plicatedvagi naldel iveryi sabout500m L, with5% l osingm orethan1,000m L. I. Clinicalev aluationofpostpar tumhem orrhage A. Uterine atony i s the m ost com mon cause of postpartum hemorrhage. C onditions associ ated w ith uteri ne a tony include an overdi stended uterus (eg, pol yhydramnios, multiplegestati on), rapi d or prol onged l abor, m acrosomia, highpari ty,andchori oamnionitis. B. Conditions associated with bleeding from tr auma includeforcepsdel ivery,m acrosomia,preci pitousl aborand delivery,andepi siotomy. C. Conditionsas sociatedw ithb leedingf romc oagulopathy and thr ombocytopenia i nclude abrupti o pl acentae, amniotic fl uid em bolism, preecl ampsia, coagulation di sor ders,autoi mmunethrom bocytopenia,andanti coagulants. D. Uteriner upturei sassoci atedw ith previous uterinesurgery , internal podal icversi on, breech ex traction, m ultiplegesta tion, and abnorm al fetal presentati on. H igh pari tyi s a ri sk factorforbothuteri neatony andrupture. E. Uterinein version is detectedby abdom inalvagi nalex ami nation, w hich w ill reveal a uterus w ith an unusual shape afterdel ivery. II. Managementofpostpar tumhem orrhage A. Followingd eliveryof the pl acenta, the uter us should be palpated to determ ine w hether atony is present. If atonyi s present,vi gorousfundal m assage should be administered. Ifbl eedingconti nuesdespi te uterinem assage,i tcanoften becontrol ledw ithbi manualuteri necom pression. B. Genitaltr actlacer ations shouldbesuspectedi npati ents who have a fi rm uter us, but w ho conti nue to bl eed. T he cervixand vagi na shoul d be i nspected to rul e out l acera tions. I fno laceration is f ound but bleeding is still profuse, theuterusshoul dbem anuallyex amined to excluderupture. C. The placenta and uter us should be ex amined for re tained p lacental f ragments. P lacenta a ccreta i s u sually manifestby fai lureofs pontaneouspl acentalseparati on. D. Bleedingfr om non-genitalar eas(venouspuncturesi tes) suggests coagul opathy. Laborator y tests that confi rm coagulopathy i nclude I NR, parti al throm boplastin ti me, platelet c ount, f ibrinogen, f ibrin s plit p roducts, and a cl ot retractiontest. E. Medicalm anagementofpostpar tumhem orrhage 1. Oxytocin(P itocin)i susual lyg ivenrouti nelyi mmediately after deliverytosti mulateuteri nefi rmnessand diminish blood l oss. 20 uni ts of ox ytocin in 1,000 m L of norm al saline or R inger's lactate i s adm inistered at 100 drops/minute. Ox ytocinshoul d n ot be given as a rapi d bolus i njection because of the potenti al for ci rculatory collapse. 2. Methylergonovine (M ethergine) 0.2 m gcan be given IM if uterine m assage and ox ytocinare not effecti ve i n correcting uterine atonyand providedtherei snohy per tension. 3. 15-methyl pr ostaglandin F2-al pha (H emabate), one ampule(0.25m g),canbegi ven IM,withrepeat injections every20m in,upto 4 doses canbegi veni fhy pertension ispresent;i ti scontrai ndicatedi nasthm a. TreatmentofP ostpartumH emorrhageS econdaryto UterineA tony Drug Protocol Oxytocin 20U i n1,000m Lofl actated Ringer'sasI Vi nfusion Methylergonovine 0.2m gI M (Methergine) Prostaglandin(15 0.25m gasI Mevery 15-60 methylP GF2-alpha minutesasnecessary [Hemabate, Prostin/15M]) F. Volumer eplacement 1. Patientsw ith postpartumhem orrhagethati srefractory to m edical ther apy requi re a second l arge-bore I V catheter. I f the pati ent has had a m ajor bl ood group determinationandhas a negativei ndirectC oombstest, type-specificbl ood m aybe gi ven w ithout w aiting for a complete cross-m atch. Lactated R inger's sol ution or normalsal ine i sgenerousl yi nfused unti lbl ood can be replaced. R eplacement consi sts of 3 m Lof cry stalloid solutionper1m Lofbl oodl ost. 2. A Foleycatheter i s pl aced, and uri ne output i s m ain tainedatgreaterthan30m L/h. G. Surgical m anagement of postpar tum hem orrhage. I f medicaltherapy fai ls,l igationof the uterine oruteroovari an artery,i nfundibulopelvicvessel s,orhy pogastricarteri es,or hysterectomym aybei ndicated. H. Managementofuter inei nversion 1. Thei nverteduterusshoul dbei mmediatelyreposi tioned vaginally.B loodand/orfl uidsshoul d be administered. If the placenta is still attached, it should not be rem oved untiltheuterushasbeenreposi tioned. 2. Uterinerel axationcan be achievedw ithahal ogenated anestheticagent.T erbutalinei sal souseful for relaxing theuterus. 3. Followingsuccessful uteri nereposi tioningandpl acental
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