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them...ever...has made any request to better understand hire sports psychologists to help them in this regard.
their problem. Why would they? There was no need. Any negative emotion...even the mild ones and the
subconscious ones...can be critical to an athlete's
Q. How does EFT deal with stress and anxiety?
In EFT, stress and anxiety have the same cause as all EFT provides a remarkably effective solution to this
other negative emotions...a disruption in the body's problem. The purpose of The Basic Recipe is to
energy system. Accordingly, they are addressed with neutralize negative emotions and their effects. One of
The Basic Recipe the same as any other emotional the most common responses to it is that people feel
issue. relaxed which, by the way, is another way of saying that
the tension has left their muscles. This is ideal for the One final note on this. You might wonder what is
athlete because it neutralizes any unnecessary emotional happening "behind the emotional scenes" when you
tension in the muscles without affecting the rest of their apply The Basic Recipe directly to a physical symptom
athletic ability. It allows their potential to flow through (such as a headache) without zeroing in on a specific
without being hindered by any resistance in the emotion. Stated differently, if the physical symptom is
muscles. caused by some emotional issue then why does the
physical symptom experience relief when no specific
emotion was addressed?
Q. Why does EFT give surprisingly good relief
from physical problems? This is easy to understand in I don't know for sure. There is much to learn about
light of the emerging attitudes toward the existence of these techniques and the future, I'm sure, will bring us
the mind-body connection. EFT provides striking some exciting revelations on many fronts. For now, I
evidence of this connection. What more obvious proof believe that the subconscious mind brings up whatever
could one want than to watch changes in both mind and emotional issue is contributing to the cause of the
body occur as a result of tapping on the body's energy physical symptom. Applying The Basic Recipe
system? automatically addresses that emotion.
But the evidence goes even deeper than this.
Applying EFT for emotional issues often brings on the
Q. How can I keep up to date with the latest
cessation of physical problems. Breathing problems go advances in EFT? Although you can generate
away. Headaches vanish. Joint pains subside. Multiple impressive results with EFT, you must recognize that
Sclerosis symptoms improve. I have witnessed this you are just beginning. EFT is capable of far more than
phenomenon for years. The list of physical what you are learning in this course. Here are 3
improvements brought about by EFT is endless. resources:
The logical inference from this is that EFT
effectively addresses any emotional contributors to
one's physical symptoms. Once the emotional 1. for a list of
contributors are out of the way the symptom subsides. advanced video products.
There are those, of course, who believe that one's 2. for a
emotions or mental processes are the only cause of their description of some of the latest techniques
physical diseases. I don't know how to prove or and findings.
disprove that notion but I offer here the rather obvious 3. for a list of
fact that emotions, at the very least, substantially frequently asked questions.
contribute to one's physical health. And EFT is an
efficient tool for relief in this regard.
Case Histories
Fear of public speaking Asthma Sexual abuse
Anxiety and fingernail biting Fear of spiders Coffee addiction
Alcoholism Grief Fear of needles
Addiction to peanut M&M's Physical pain Low back pain
Guilt and insomnia Constipation
Body embarrassment Lupus Ulcerative colitis
Panic attack Fear of elevators
What follows are several examples of actual results speaking. As she walked toward the stage she reported
with EFT. They demonstrate EFT in action on a wide that her fear was upon her again but it was "only a 3,"
variety of problems and give you an invaluable sense of she said. This was much less than the 10 she usually
what to expect. Please read them all...even if some of felt but, obviously, there was still some left. This is
them do not appear to directly apply to you. There is a prime evidence that some new aspect of her fear was
lot of overlap in how these techniques work and what emerging that wasn't present in her thinking during the
applies to one problem may also apply in another. break.
Further, an important part of your EFT education is We applied one more round of The Basic Recipe on
to recognize the various APPROACHES that can be stage (while she faced the audience) and the fear fell to
used on a wide variety of ailments. EFT applies to zero. She then grabbed my microphone, asked me to sit
almost every emotional and physical ailment known to down and enchanted this audience of 100 people as she
mankind and the procedure itself is the basically the told the story of what happened over the break. She
same for each ailment. However, the APPROACHES was filled with calm and poise. The speech impediment
can vary widely. While the following case histories was still there, of course. But the fear was gone.
give you some sense of the varying approaches, the Does eliminating the fear of public speaking make
videos accompanying this course are much more useful someone a great speaker? No, of course not. Public
in this regard. We are limited in what we can do on the speaking is an art and takes practice to perfect. What it
printed page. does do, though, is remove the pounding heart, dry
mouth and other fear symptoms so that one is free and
Case history #1 - Fear of public speaking
comfortable in developing their public speaking skills.
Sue had a speech impediment that resulted in an
Case history #2 - Asthma
advanced fear of public speaking. She attended one of
our workshops and asked Adrienne and me for some Kelly sat in the front row at one of my presentations.
help during the lunch break. Her asthma was obvious as I could hear her labored
She showed us a scar on her breathing throughout my talk. It was severe enough to
neck where an operation for sound something like a mild snore
throat cancer had been and clearly annoyed some of the
performed. As a result of her people near her.
operation, she could not After the presentation, she
speak normally and it was asked me to help her with her fear
difficult to understand her. of public speaking. Interesting, she
She was understandably did not "get" that EFT could relieve
terrified of public speaking asthma so she didn't ask for help on this obvious make matters problem. To her, nothing but medicine could help.
You want WHO to
worse...she was a Sergeant in So we addressed her fear of public speaking. About
speak in public?
the Army and had to "public 3 minutes into the EFT procedures she remarked, with a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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